Experian.com Review

Experian offers a free credit report and score in a 7-day trial after which the service is $14.95.

The website provides information, analytical tools and marketing services to organizations and consumers, helping manage the risk and reward of commercial and financial decisions.They offer services and tools for business, personal, and education.

The site also showcases a number of other services besides personal credit reports including small business resources, business credit reports and mailing list building. Checking your report will not lower your score and Experian is now offering credit score and reports for $1.

Find out your credit score in minutes at Experian.

Visit Experian.com

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1 User Ratings:

Natsuki -

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What TransUnion is probably doing is concittang each listing on your credit report to verify which ones are legitimate and which ones are false. This could easily take 30 days to have them get all of the information, then what ever time it takes for them to put everything together. So it could be anywhere from tomorrow to a few months.Having your score or report suppressed is not going to be seen as a positive thing with the lenders. Now, if only your score is suppressed, but your report is visible they may look at that to at least pre-qualify you. That is a long way from actually getting approved. If your report is also suppressed you can probably show them an old report but it would have little to no weight in even pre-qualifying you.Depending on the outcome of this investigation you may need to look into if there are any actions you can take against this repair company.